富士登山 | Climbing Mt. Fuji |
酸素缶 | Oxygen canister |
(空気が)薄い | Thin (as in thin air) |
登山 | Mountain climbing |
険しい | Steep, rugged |
それほど~ない | Not that~ |
音楽家 | Musician |
就職(する) | Being employed (to get a job) |
背が伸びる | To grow taller |
骨 | Bone |
伸びる | To strech, extend, lengthen |
画面 | Screen |
圏外 | Outside, outer |
文字 | Written character |
電波 | Signal, reception (as in a cell phone) |
(電波が)届く | To reach or arrive (as in light) |
調査(する) | (to) survey, research |
不景気 | Business recession |
消費者 | Consumer |
ニーズ | Needs |
商品 | Commercial product |
ミリオンセラー | Something that seels at least a million copy |
うわさ | Rumor, hearsay |
寂しい | Lonely |
テレビ局 | Television station |
意外、意外な | Unexpected, surprising |
性能 | Performance |
おしゃべり(する) | (to) talk |
残業(する) | Overtime work (to work overtime) |
減る | To reduce (instransitive verb) |
あきらめる | To give up |
しょうがない | It can't be helped/What can you do? |
手伝う | Help |
教師 | Teacher |
チェック(する) | (to) check |
漁業 | Fishing industry |
盛んな | Popular, active |
つらい | Difficult, painful |
足が重い | Leaden feet |
どんどん | Steadily |
くやしい | Frustrating; regrettable |
すっかり | Completely, thoroughly |
待ち合わせ | Meeting place, rendezvous |
屋上 | Roof |
東京スカイツリー | Tokyo skytree |
発車(する) | Train departure (to depart) |
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