aida | 間(あいだ) | while; during; between |
aida ni | 間に(あいだに) | while/during~ something happened |
amari~nai | あまり~ない | not very, not much ~ |
ato de | 後で(あとで) | after~; later |
ba | ば | conditional form; If [A] then [B] |
baai wa | 場合は(ばあいは) | in the event of; in the case that |
bakari | ばかり | only; nothing but ~ |
dake de | だけで | just by; just by doing |
dasu | 出す(だす) | to begin to; to start to; to burst into; ... out (e.g. to jump out, to carry out) |
de gozaimasu | でございます | to be (honorific) |
demo | でも | or something; how about~ |
dewa nai ka | ではないか | right?; isn't it? |
ga hitsuyou | が必要(がひつよう) | need; necessary |
ga suru | がする | to smell; hear; taste |
gari | がり | someone tends to; has a tendency to; has a sensitivity to ~ |
garu; gatteiru | がる・がっている | to show signs of; to appear; to feel, to think ~ |
gozaimasu | ございます | to be, to exist (the polite form of いる/ある) |
hajimeru | 始める(はじめる) | to start; to begin to ~ |
hazu da | はずだ | it must be; it should be (expectation) |
hazu ga nai | はずがない | cannot be (impossible) |
hitsuyou ga aru | 必要がある(ひつようがある) | need to; it is necessary to |
irassharu | いらっしゃる | to be; to come; to go (polite version) |
itashimasu | いたします | to do (polite form of する) |
janai ka | じゃないか | right? isn't it? let's~; confirmation |
ka dou ka | かどうか | whether or not ~ |
ka shira | かしら | I wonder~ |
kai | かい | turns a sentence into a yes/no question |
kamo shirenai | かもしれない | might; perhaps; indicates possibility |
kana | かな | I wonder; should I? |
kara tsukuru | から作る(からつくる) | made from; made with |
kitto | きっと | surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely |
koro / goro | 頃(ころ / ごろ) | around; about; when |
koto | こと | Verb nominalizer |
koto ga aru | ことがある | there are times when |
koto ga dekiru | ことができる | can; able to |
koto ni naru | ことになる | It has been decided that..; it turns out that.. |
koto ni suru | ことにする | to decide on |
ku suru | くする | to make something ~ |
kyuu ni | 急に(きゅうに) | quickly; immediately; hastily; suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly ~ |
made ni | までに | by; by the time; indicates time limit |
mama | まま | as it is; current state; without changing ~ |
matawa | または | both; or; otherwise; choice between [A] or [B] |
mitai da | みたいだ | like, similar to, resembling |
mitai na | みたいな | like, similar to ~ |
mitai ni | みたいに | like; similar to ~ |
mo | も | as many as; as much as; up to; nearly ~ |
na | な | don’t ~ (order somebody to not do something) |
nado | など | such as, things like ~ |
nagara | ながら | while; during; as; simultaneously |
nakanaka~nai | なかなか~ない | not easy to; struggling to; not able to ~ |
nakereba ikenai | なければいけない | must do something; have to do something |
nakereba naranai | なければならない | must do something; have to do something |
nara | なら | if; in the case that ~ |
nasai | なさい | do this (soft/firm command) |
nasaru | なさる | to do (honorific) |
ni ki ga tsuku | に気がつく(にきがつく) | to notice; to realize |
ni mieru | にみえる | to look; to seem; to appear |
ni suru | にする | to make something ~ |
nikui | にくい | difficult to do ~ |
no naka de | の中で(のなかで) | in; among ~ |
noni | のに | although, in spite of, even though ~ |
noni | のに | to (do something); in order to ~ |
nowa~da | のは〜だ | [A] is [B]; the reason for [A] is [B] |
o~kudasai | お~ください | please do (honorific) |
o~ni naru | お~になる | to do (honorific) |
oki ni | おきに | repeated at intervals, every ~ |
owaru | 終わる(おわる) | to finish; to end~ |
rareru | られる | potential form; ability or inability to do something |
rashii | らしい | it seems like; I heard; apparently ~ |
sa | さ | -ness ; nominalizer for adjective |
sakki | さっき | some time ago; just now |
saserareru | させられる | causative-passive; to be made to do something |
saseru | させる | causative form; to make/let somebody do something |
sasete kudasai | させてください | please let me do |
sasuga | さすが | as one would expect; as is to be expected; even ~ |
shi | し | and; and what’s more ~ (emphasis) |
sonna ni | そんなに | so much; so; like that |
sore demo | それでも | but still; and yet; even so ~ |
sore ni | それに | besides; in addition; also; moreover ~ |
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