Japanese Grammar: V ます form ながら in Japanese

V1 ます form ながら V2
This sentence pattern indicates that someone performing an action indicated by V1 is simultaneously performing a separate action indicated by V2. Where V2 indicated the main action:
(1)おんがく を ききながら しょくじします.
I listen to music while eating.

It is also used to describe someone doing two things continuously over a period of time:
(2)はたらきながら にほんご を べんきょうして います.
I'm working while studying Japanese.
V て-form います
As well as indicating what someone is doing now, this sentence pattern can also be used to indicate a habitual behavior. Such a behavior taking place in the past is indicated by V て-form いました.
(1)まいあさ ジョギング を して います.
I go jogging every morning.
(2)こども の とき, まいばん 8じ に ねて いました.
When I was a child, I used to go to bed at eight every evening.
Plain form し, plain form し
(1)This sentence pattern is used when mentioning two or more similar things one after the other about the topic. In Example (1), the things mentioned are similar because they are all accomplishments:
(1)すすきさん は ピアノ も ひけるし, うた も うたえるし, ダンス も できます.
Ms. Suzuki can play the piano, sing and dance.
Since this sentence pattern expresses the speaker’s to desire to mention more than just one thing about the topic, も is also often used. それにcan also use to make this meaning even clearer as in Example.(2)
(2)たなかさん は まじめだし, ちゅうごくご も じょうずだし それに けいけん も あります.
Mr. Tanaka is serious, speaks good Chinese, and also has experience.

(2) This sentence pattern can also be used when the し, し part gives the reasons for what follows:
(1)ここ は ねだんも やすいし さかな も, あたらしいし, よく たべに きます.
The prices are low here and the fish is fresh, so I often come here to eat.

In this case, conclusion may be omitted may be omitted if it is obvious, leaving only the reasons:
(1)どうして この みせ へ くるんですか.
...ここ わねだん も やすいし, さかな も あたらしい.
(1)Why do you come to this restaurant?
...Because the prices are cheap here, and the fish is fresh.

The final し can be replaced by から in it’s ‘because’ sense:
(2)どうして にほん の アニメ が すきなんですか.
...はなしも おもしろいし, おんがく も すてき ですから.
(2)Why do you like Japanese anime?
...Because the stories are interesting and I like the music.
それ で
それ でindicates that what is about to be said follows from what has just been said: Where V21 indicated the main action:
(1)しょうらい しょうせつか に なりたい です. それで いま は アルバイト を しながら しょうせつ を かいて います.
I want to be a novelist, so now I’m writing a novel and working part-time while doing so.

(2)ここ は コ-ヒ--も おいしいし, しょくじも できるし…
それ で にんき が あるんですね.
(2)The coffee’s good here, and you can also have a meal
So that’s why it’s popular, isn’t it?
とき + particle
Since the とき explained in Lesson 23 is a noun, it can be used with a particle appended to it:
(1)べんきょう する ときは, おんがく を ききません.
I don’t listen to music when I’m studying.

1)つかれた ときや さびしい とき, よく いなか の あおい そら を おもいだす.
それ で にんき が あるんですね.
When tired or lonely, I often recall the blue skies over my home town. (See Lesson 31)

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