Sentence Pattern : V dictionary form V nai-form i-adj とき, [When] na-adj N no |
とき connects two sentences and expresses the time when the state or action described in the main sentences exists or occurs. As shown in the table above, the forms of verbs, い-adjectives, な-adjectives and nouns connected to ときare the same as the forms when modifying nouns. | ||
1. としょかん で ほん を かりる とき, カ-ド が いります. When you borrow books from the library, you need a card. 2. つかいかた が わからない とき, わたし に きいて ください. When you don’t know how to use it, ask me. 3. からだ の ちょうし が わるい とき, [げんきちゃ] を のみます. When I’m not in good shape, I drink “genki-cha.” 4. ひまな とき, うち へ あそびに きませんか? Won’t you come to my place when you are free? 5. つま が びょうき の とき, かいしゃ を やすみます. When my wife is sick, I take a day off work. 6. あかい とき, あまり べんきょうしませんでした. When I was young, I did not study much. 7. こども の とき, よく かわ で およぎました. I used to swim in a river when I was a child. The tense of adjective sentences and noun sentences which modify とき is not affected by the tense of the main sentences (see 6 and 7). |
Sentence Pattern : V dictionary form とき V ta-form とき |
When the dictionary form of the predicate is put before とき it indicates the non-completion of the action, and when the ta-form of the predicate is put before とき it indicates the completion of the action. | ||
(1)くに へ かえる とき, かばん を かいました. I bought a bag when I went back to my country. (2)くに へ かえった とき, かばん を かいました. I bought a bag when I went back to my country. I bought a bag when I went back to my country. In (1) かえる indicates that at the time being referred to the action had not been completed, that the speaker had not reached his/her country yet and that he/she bought a bag somewhere on his/her way there (Japan included). In (2) かえったindicates that the action was completed and the speaker bought a bag after arriving in his/her country. |
Sentence Pattern :V dictionary form と.....then(inevitably)..., | ||
When expressing the situation where, as a result of a certain action, another action or matter inevitably happens, to is used to connect the sentences. | ||
(1)この ぶたん を おすと, おつり が でます. Press this button, and the change will come out. (2)これ を まわすと, おと が おおきい なります. Turn this, and the volume will go up. (3)みぎ へ ,まがると, ゆうびんきょく が あります. Turn to the right, and you will find the post office. Expressions of one’s will, hope, invitation or request cannot be used in the sentence which follows to. じかん が あると, えいが を みに いきます(will) えいが を みに いきたい です(hope) えいが を みに いきませんか (invitation) ちょっと てつだって ください (request) In those that cases, the conditional expression たら is used instead of to (see Lesson 25.) |
Sentence Pattern :N が adjective / V | ||
You learned in Lesson 14 that the subject is indicated by が when describing a natural phenomenon. When describing a state or a scene as it is, the subject is also indicated by が. | ||
(1)おと が ちいさい です. The volume is low. (2)でんき が あかるく なりました. The light became brighter. (3)この ぶたん を おすと, きっぷ が でます. Press this button, and a ticket will come out. |
Sentence Pattern :N (place) を V (verb of movement) | ||
The particle を is used to denote the place where a person or a thing passes.
The verb of movement such as さんぽします, わたります, あるきます, etc. Are used in this pattern. |
(1)こうえん を さんぽします. I take a walk in the park. (Lesson 13) (2)みち を わたります. I cross the road. (3)こうさてん を みぎ へ まがります. I turn to the right at the intersection. |
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