Sentence Pattern :Plain past form ら - if. . | ||
When ら is attached to the past tense plain form of verbs, adjectives, etc. it changes the preceding clause into a conditional expression. When the speaker wants to state his opinion, situation, request, etc., in the conditional, this pattern is used. | ||
Examples: (1)おかね が あったら, りょこうします. If I had money, I would travel. (2)じかん が なかったら, テレビ を みません. If I don’t have time, I will not watch TV (3)やすかったら, パソコン を かいたいです. If it’s inexpensive, I want to buy a personal computer. (4)ひまだったら, てつだって ください. If you are free, please give me a hand. (5)いい てんきだったら, さんぽしませんか. If it’s fine, won’t you take a walk with me? |
Sentence Pattern :V た-formら, [when/after] | ||
This pattern is used to express that a certain action will be done or a certain situation will appear when a matter, action or station which is sure to happen in the future has been completed or achieved. The main sentences is always in the present tense. | ||
Examples: (1)10じ に なったら, でかけましょう. Let’s go out when it gets to ten. (2)うち へ じゃえかえったら, すぐ シャワ-を あびます. I take a shower soon after I return home. |
Sentence Pattern : Vて-form い-adj (drop い)----くて も Even if な-adj (drop な)---で N で |
This expression is used to present a reverse condition. Contrary to plain form ち, - this, expression is used when an action which is expected to be taken or an event which is expected to happen naturally under the given circumstances does not materialize or a thing turns out in a way opposite to a socially accepted idea. | ||
Examples: (1)あめ が ふっても, せんたくします. Even if it rains, I’ll do the laundry. (2)やすくても, わたし は グル-プりょこう が きらい です. Even if group tours are inexpensive, I don’t like them. (3)べんりでも, ぱそこん を つかいません. Even if a personal computer is useful, I won’t use it. (4)にちようび でも, はたらきます. Even if it is Sunday, I will work. |
Sentence Pattern :もし and いくら | ||
もし is used in a sentence in the plain past form to indicate beforehand that the sentence is going to present a condition, while いくら is used with ても (-でも) to do the same.もし implies that an emphasis is on the speaker’s supposition while いくら is meant to stress the degree of conditionality. | ||
Examples: (1)もし 1おくえん あったら, いろいろな くに を りょこうしたい です. If I had 100 million yen, I would want to travel in various countries. (2)いくら かんがえても, わかりません. No matter how much I think, I can’t understand this. (3)いくら たかくて, かいます. No matter how expensive it is, I will buy it. |
Sentence Pattern :N が | ||
As mentioned in Lesson 16, 4 [Note], the subject of a subordinate clause is indicated by が. In subordinate clauses using たら, でも, とき, と, まえに, etc. in addition to から, the subject is indicated by が, as shown below. | ||
(1)ともだち が くる なまえ, へや を きょうじします. I will clean my room before my friends come. (2)つま が びょうき の とき, かいしゃ を やすみます. When my wife is sick, I take a day off work. (3)ともだち が やくそく の じかん に こなかったら, どう しますか. If you friend doesn’t come on time, what will you do? |
Related Articles: List of Japanese Sentence Structure
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