Japanese Grammar: How to learn kuremasu in Japanese

Sentence Pattern :1.くれます
You learned that あげます means “give” in Lesson 7. This verb cannot be used when somebody else gives something to the speaker or the speaker’s family, etc. Example (さとう さん は わたし に クリスマス カ-ド を あげました.) In this case くれます is used.
(1)わたし は さとうさん に はな を あげました.
I gave flowers to Ms. Sato.

(2)さとうさん は わたし に クリスマス カ-ドを くれました.
Ms. Sato gave me a Christmas card.

(3)さとうさん は いもとう に おかじ を くれました.
Ms. Sato gave candies to my younger sister.
Sentence Pattern :2. V て-form あげます | もらいます |くれます
あげます,もらいます and くれますare also used to refer to the giving and receiving of actions as well as those of things. They indicate who is doing that act for whom, while also expressing a sense of goodwill or gratitude. In this case, the act is expressed by the て-form.
(1)V て-form あげます
V て-form あげます indicates that one does something for somebody with a sense of goodwill.
わたし は きむらさん に ほん を かして あげました.
I lent Ms. Kimura a book.
When the speaker is the actor and the listener is the receiver of the act, this expression could give the impression that the speaker is being patronizing. You are, therefore, advised to avoid using this expression directly to someone whom you do not know very well or who is senior or superior to you. You may use it to someone with whom you have a very close, friendly relationship. So, when you offer assistance to someone who is not very close, Vます-form ましょうか (see Lesson 14, 6) is used.
(1) タクシ- を よびましょうか.
Shall I call a taxi for you? (L.14)
(2) てつだいましょうか.
May I help you? (L.14)
(2)Vて-form もらいます
Examples: わたし は やまださん に としょかん の でんわばんごう を おしえて もらいます.
Mr. Yamada told me the telephone number of the library.
This expression conveys a sense of gratitude on the part of those who receive a favor.
はは は わたし に せ-た- を おくって くれました.
My mother sent me a sweater.
Like V て-form もらいます, this expression also conveys a sense of gratitude on the part of those who receive a favor. The difference is that V て-form らいます has the receiver of the act as the subject of the sentence, implying the actor (the subject) voluntarily takes the action. The receiver of the act in the latter case is often the speaker and わたし (the receiver) に is often omitted.
Sentence Pattern :3. N (person) が V
(1)すてきな ネクタイですね.
. . .That’s a nice tie, isn’t it?
ええ, さとうさん が くれました.
. . .Yes. Ms. Sato gave it to me.
You present a topic, saying すてきな ネクタイですね.Responding to it, your partner in conversation gives a piece of information on the topic which is unknown to you, [この ネクタイは] さとうさん が くれました. The subject of the sentence giving new information is indicated by が.
Sentence Pattern :4. Interrogative が V
You learned that when the subject is questioned, it is indicated by が in あります/いますsentences (Lesson 10) and adjective sentences (Lesson 12). This is also the case for verb sentences.
(1)だれ が てつだいにいきますか.
Who will go to give him a hand?
. . .かりなさん が いきます
. . .Ms. Karina will.

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