fuemasu [yushutsu ga] | ふえます [ゆしゅつ が] | [exports] increase |
herimasu [yushutsu ga] | へります [ゆしゅつ が] | [exports] decrease |
agarimasu [nedan ga] | あがります [ねだん が] | [the price] rise |
sagarimasu [nedan ga-] | さがります [ねだん が-] | [the price] fall |
kiremasu [hima ga] | きれます [ひま が] | [a string] break,snap |
toremasu [botan ga] | とれます [ボタン が] | [a button] come off |
ochimasu [nimutsu ga] | おちます [にむつ が] | [baggage] fall down |
nakunarimasu [gasorin ga] | なくなります [ガソリン が] | [petrol, gasoline] run out, be lost |
joubu[na] | じょうぶ[な] | strong, healthy |
hen [na] | へん [な] | strange, peculiar |
shiawase [na] | しあわせ [な] | happy |
umai | うまい | tasty, good at |
mazui | まずい | not tasty |
tsumaranai | つまらない | boring, uninteresting |
gasorin | ガソリン | petrol, gasoline |
hi | ひ | fire |
danbou | だんぼう | heating |
reibou | れいぼう | air-conditioning |
sensu | せんす | taste, sense [ふくの] が あります: have good taste[in clothing] |
imanimo | いまにも | at any moment (used to describe a situation just before it changes) |
aa | わあ | oh!/Wow! |
Related Articles: List of N4 Vocabulary
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