sodatemasu | そだてます | breed, bring up |
hakobimasu | はこびます | carry, transport |
nakunarimasu | なくなります | pass away (euphemistic expression for しにます) |
nyuuinshimasu | にゅういんします | enter hospital |
taiinshimasu | たいいんします | leave hospital |
iremasu [dengen wo] | いれます [でんげん を] | turn on [ the power switch] |
kirimasu [dengen wo] | きります [でんげん を] | turn off [the power switch] |
kakemasu [kagi wo] | かけます [かぎ を] | lock |
kimochi ga ii | きもち が いい | pleasant, agreeable |
kimochi ga warui | きもち が わるい | unpleasnt, disgusting |
ooki na | おおき な | large |
chiisa na | ちいさ な | small |
akachan | あかちゃん | baby |
shougakkou | しょうがっこう | elementary school |
chuugakkou | ちゅうがっこう | junior high school |
uso | うそ | lie, fib |
shorui | しょるい | document, papers |
dengen | でんげん | power switch |
sei | せい | made in |
[a] ikenai | [あ] いけない | Oops!/ Oh, no! (used when one has mistake) |
Related Articles: List of N4 Vocabulary
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