uremasu | うれます | sell, be sold |
odorimasu | おどります | dance |
kamimasu | かみます | chew, bite |
erabimasu | えらびます | choose |
chigaimasu | ちがいます | be different |
kayoimasu | かよいます | go to and from |
daigaku ni kayoimasu | だいがく に かよいます | to go to and from university |
majime | まじめ | serious |
nesshin | ねっしん | earnest |
yasashii | やさしい | gentle, kind |
erai | えらい | great, admirable |
choudoii | ちょうどいい | proper, just right |
shuukan | しゅうかん | custom |
keiken | けいけん | experience |
chikara | ちから | power |
ninki | にんき | popular |
katachi | かたち | form, shape |
iro | いろ | color |
aji | あじ | taste |
shinamono | しなもの | goods |
nedan | ねだん | price |
kyuuryou | きゅうりょう | salary |
bangumi | ばんぐみ | program |
shousetsu | しょうせつ | novel |
shousetsuka | しょうせつか | novelist |
kashu | かしゅ | singer |
kanrinin | かんりにん | janitor |
musuko | むすこ | my son |
musukosan | むすこさん | someone else's son |
musume | むすめ | my daughter |
musumesan | むすめさん | someone else's daughter |
jibun | じぶん | oneself |
shourai | しょうらい | future |
shibaraku | しばらく | a little few |
taitei | たいてい | usually, mostly |
soreni | それに | in addition |
sorede | それで | and so |
iarun desu ga | いあるん です が | I have a favor to ask |
kaiwa | かいわ | conversation |
oshaberishimasu | おしゃべりします | chat |
oshirase | おしらせ | notice |
hinichi | ひにち | date |
do | ど | Saturday |
taiikukan | たいいくかん | gymnasium |
muryou | むりょう | free |
Related Articles: List of N4 Vocabulary
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