Verb nai-form Conjugation (Group 2) in Japanese

Here are list of Group 2 Verb ない-Form that already conjugated. The highlighted color red are ends with e-lines so drop ます and add ない. The picture above it shows how to conjugate Verb masu form to Verb ない-Form. I hope that it will helps you a lot. 
Note: All highlighted color red  are special which means it ends with i-line but belongs to Group 2 or (e-lines). You will drop ます and add ない.
Hiragana Te-form Meaning
ます あけない  don't open
ます あげない  don't give
あつます あつめない  don't collect, gather
あびます [シャワ- を-] あびない  don't take [a shower]
います いない  don't exist, be (animate things)
います [こども が-] いない  don't have [a child]
います [にほん に-] いない  don't stay, be [Japan]
ます いれない don't put in, insert
ます [こ-ひ- を-] いれない don't make [coffee]
うまます うまれない  don't be born
おきます おきない  don't get up, wake up
おします おしえない  don't teach
おします [じゅうしょう を-] おしえない  don't tell [an address]
おぼます おぼえない don't memorize
おります [でんしゃ を-] おりない don't get off [a train]
ます かえない don't exchange, change
ます かえない don't change
ます [でんわ を-] かけない don't make [a telephone call]
ます [めがね を-] かけない don't put on [glasses]
かります かりない don't borrow
かんがます かんがえない don't think, consider
き を つます [くるま に-] き を つけない don't pay attention [to cars], take care
きます [しゃつ を-] きない don't put on [shirt, etc.]
ます くれない don't give (me)
ます しめない don't close, shut
しらます しらべない don't check, investigate
ます すてない don't throw away
ます たべない don't eat
たります  たりない don't be enough, be sufficient
つかます つかれない don't get tired
ます つけない don't turn on
でかます でかけない don't go out
できます できない don't be able to, can
ます [きっさてん を-] でない don't go out [of a coffee shop]
ます [だいがく を-] でない don't graduate from [university]
ます [おまつり が-] でない don't [change] come out
ます  とめない don't stop, park
ます ねない don't sleep, go to bed
のりかます のりかえない don't change (trains, etc.)
はじます はじめない don't start, begin
ます まけない don't lose, be beaten
ます みせない don't show
みます みない don't see, look at, watch
むかます むかえない don't go to meet, welcome
ます [かいしゃ を-] やめない don't quit or retire [a company], give up
わすます わすれない don't forget

All Group 2 Verb Conjugation
Verb る-form Conjugation
Verb て-form Conjugation
Verb ない-form Conjugation
Verb た-form Conjugation
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