Nihongo: Verb ta-form Conjugation

Sentence Pattern :Verb た-form
In this lesson you learn the た-form. How to make the た-form is shown below. The た-form is made by changing て and で of the て-form into た and だ.
Group I
In the verbs of this group the last sound of ます-form is always in the i-line, replace it with the sound in the た-line to make the Verb ta-form form.
Example (1)すいます
Group II
Attach た to the e-line form and to special form that i-lines but belongs to Group II.
ends e-line (1)たべます
(1)to wake up
(2)to borrow
(3)see look at,watch
(5)get off
(6)to wear
(9)to fall
(11)to take a shower
(12)to boil
Group III
The る-form of します is する and きます becomes くる
Examples (1)べんきょうします
Sentence Pattern :V た-form こと が あります have the experience of V-ing...
This sentence pattern is used to describe what one has experienced in the past. This is basically the same sentence as わたし は N が あります which learned in Lesson 9. The content of one’s experience is expressed by the nominalized phrase V た-form こと.
1. Noun it is places before が are mostly nouns which express actions such as driving car, shopping , skiing, dancing, etc. Noun such as にほんご, which is associated with the action はなす or ピアノ, which is associated with the action ひく, can also be used, here.
Examples (1)にほん へ はたらきた こと が あります.
I experienced to work in Japan.

(2)らめん を たべた こと が あります.
I experienced to eat ramen.
Question (1)おさけ を のんだ こと が ありますか
はい, のんだ こと が あります
いいえ, のんだ こと が ありません.
Sentence Pattern :V た-form り, V た-form り します V... and V... and so on
You learned an expression for referring to a few things and persons among many(や , など) in Lesson 10. The sentences learned here are used in referring is down at the end of the sentence.
Examples (1)きのう にほんご を べんきょうしたり, ともだち に あったり しました.
I studied Japanese language and met my friend yesterday.

(2)あした ともだち の かいもの を したり, えいが を みたり します.
Sentence Pattern :
い-adj---く なります
な–adj---に なります
N に なります become
なります means “become” and indicates changes in a state condition.

むすかしく なります
きれい に なります
せんせい に なります
にじゅうななさい に なります
to become difficult
to become beautiful
to become a teacher
to become 27 years old.
Sentence Pattern :
そう です ね
そう です ね is used when you agree or sympathize with what your partner in conversation said. そう です ね with a falling intonation is a similar expression to this Lesson 2, Lesson 6).そう ですか is, however an expression of your conviction or exclamation after getting information which was unknown to you, while そう です ね is used to express your agreement or sympathy with your partner in conversation when he/she refers to something you agree with or already know.
Examples かんじ が むすかしい です ね.
そう です ね...

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