omoimasu | おもいます | think |
iimasu | いいます | say |
kachimasu | かちます | win |
makemasu | まけます | lose, be beaten |
omatsuri | おまつり が あります | [a festival, be held, take place |
yakuni tachimasu | やくに たちます | be useful |
ugokimasu | うごきます | move, work |
yamemasu | かいしゃ を やめます | quit or retire from[a company] stop, give up |
ki | き を つけます | pay attention, take care |
ryuugakushimasu | りゅうがくします | study abroad |
muda | むだ | wasteful |
fuben | ふべん | inconvenient |
sugoi | すごい | awful,great |
hontou | ほんとう | true |
uso | うそ | lie |
jidousha | じどうしゃ | car, automobile |
koutsuu | こうつう | transport, traffic |
bukka | ぶっか | prices (commodity) |
housou | ほうそう | announcement, broadcast |
yume | ゆめ | dream |
tensai | てんさい | genius |
shiai | しあい | game, match |
iken | いけん | opinion |
hanashi | はなし | talk, speech, what one says, story |
chikyuu | ちきゅう | earth |
tsuki | つき | moon |
saikin | さいきん | recently,these days |
tabun | たぶん | probably, perhaps, maybe |
kitto | きっと | surely, definitely |
hontouni | ほんとうに | really |
sonnani | そんなに | not so (used with negatives) |
ni tsuite | -に ついて | about, concerning |
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