Sentence Pattern :V て-form [V て-form] | |||
To connect verb sentences, the て-form is used. When two or more actions take place in succession, the actions are mentioned in the order of occurrence by using て-form. The tense of the sentence is determined by the tense form of the last verb in the sentence. |
Examples 1. けさ ろくじ に おきて, あさごはん を たべて, かいしゃ へ いきました. This morning I woke up at 6:00, eat breakfast and went to the company. 2. あした ともだち に あって, えいが を みて, ごご しちじ に うち へ かえります. Tomorrow I meet my friend, watch movie and I go home at 7:00 pm. |
Sentence Pattern :い-adjective- - -くて | |||
When joining an い-adjective sentence to another sentence, take away the い from the い-adjective and attach くて. |
(1)おおきい (drop い) add くて (2)あたらしい (drop い) add くて (3)さむい (drop い) add くて (4)にほん の べんきょう は おもしろくて たのしい です. |
(1)おおきくて (big) (2)あたらしくて (3)さむくて (4)Study Japanese Language is interesting and enjoyable. |
Sentence Pattern :い-adjective- - -くて | |||
When joining an い-adjective sentence to another sentence, take away the い from the い-adjective and attach くて. |
(1)おおきい (drop い) add くて (2)あたらしい (drop い) add くて (3)さむい (drop い) add くて (4)にほん の べんきょう は おもしろくて たのしい です. |
(1)おおきくて (big) (2)あたらしくて (new) (3)さむくて (cold) (4)Study Japanese Language is interesting and enjoyable. |
Sentence Pattern :N or な-adjective- - - で | |||
When joining noun sentences or な-adjective sentences, です is changed to で. |
Examples 1. たなか さん は ハンサム-で しんせつ です. Mr Tanaka is handsome and kind. 2. なら は しすか で, きれい な まち です. Nara is a quiet and beautiful city. |
Sentence Pattern :V1 て-form から V2 | |||
This sentence pattern indicates that upon completion of the action denoted by V1 the action of V2 is to be conducted. The tense of the sentence is determined by the tense form of the last verb in the sentence. | |||
Examples 1. くに へ かえって から, ちち の かいしゃ で はたらきます. I will work for my father’s company after going back to my country. 2. コンサ-ト が おわって から, レストラン で しょくじしました. We ate at a restaurant after the concert was over. |
Sentence Pattern :N1 は N2 が Adjective | |||
This sentence pattern is used to describe an attribute of a thing or person. The topic of the sentence is denoted by は. N1 is the topic of the sentence. N2 is the subject of the adjective’s description. | |||
Examples 1. マリア さん は かみ が ながい です. Maria has long hair. 2. おおさか は たべもの が おいしい です. Food is tasty in Osaka. |
Sentence Pattern :どうやって | |||
Is used to ask the way or the method of doing something. To answer such a question. | |||
Examples 1. この かんじ は どうやって かきますか How will you write kanji? 2. うち へ どうやって かえりますか ...かいしゃ で バス- に のって ALABANG で おります. How will you go home? ...I take a bus from company and get off at ALABANG. |
Sentence Pattern :どの N | |||
You learned in Lesson 2 that この その and あの modify nouns. The interrogative word used in this system is どの. どの is used to ask the listener to define one among more than two which are concretely presented. | |||
Examples 1. せんせい は どの ひと ですか. ...せんせい は あかい ふく を きて います. |
Related Articles: List of Japanese Sentence Structure
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