Lesson 2
The difference between これ, それ and あれ are これ if the object is hold by the speaker or near to the speaker but far away from the listener. それ if the object is far away from the speaker and near to the listener or the object is hold by the listener. And あれ it is use if the object is far away from both speaker and listener. And it is always followed by particle (は). この, その and あの are modified noun that always followed the Object. This demonstrative are used in a thing or objects.Sentence Pattern : これ それ あれ は (N)Object です. | ||
They work as nouns, これ refers to a thing near the speaker, それ refers to a thing near the listener and あれ refers to a thing far from the speaker and the listener. There are demonstratives And it is followed by particle (は). |
これ 1. これ は わたし の えんぴつ です。 This is my pencil. それ それ は ほん です。 That is a book. あれ あれ は にほんご の じしょ です。 That over thing is a Japanese dictionary. |
Sentence Pattern : この その あの Object は Predicate です. | ||
この N refers to a thing or a person near the speaker. その N refers to a thing or a person near the listener. あの N refers to a thing or a person far from both the speaker and the listener. There are modify nouns and it is followed by Object. |
この N この かばん は わたしの です。 This bag is mine. その N その くるま の ざっし は ベンさん の です。 That car magazine is owned by Mr. Ben. あの N あの SONY の カメラ は わたしの です。 That over thing SONY camera is mine. |
Sentence Pattern : そう です / そう じゃありません | ||
In the case of a noun sentences, the word そう is often used to answer a question requiring an affirmative or negative answer. はい, そう です is the affirmative answer and いいえ, そう じゃありません is the negative answer. The verb ちがいます it can be used to mean そう じゃありません. |
Example 1. それ は かばん です か. ...はい,そう です. Is that a bag? Hai, sou desu. 2. それ は えんぴつ です か. ...いいえ,そう じゃありません. Is that a pencil? ...no it's not 3. それ は テレホンカ-ド ですか. ...いいえ、 ちがいます. Is that a telephone card? ...no it's not. |
Sentence Pattern : S1 か, S2 か | ||
This is a question asking the listener to choose between alternatives. S1 and S2 for the answer. As an answer to this type of question, the chosen sentence is stated. Nether はい or いいえ is used. | ||
Examples 1. これ は かばん ですか? じしょ ですか? ...かばん です。 Is this a bag or dictionary? ...It is a bag. |
Sentence Pattern : N1 の N2 | ||
N1 no N2 is used to connecting two nouns that you learned from Lesson 1. In Lesson 2 you learn two other uses of this の. | ||
1. N1 explains what N2 is about. Examples: これ は コンピュ-タ の ほん です. This is a book on computer. 2. N1 explains who owns N2. Examples: これ は わたしのくるま です。 This is my car. |
N2 is sometimes omitted when it is obvious. When N2 means a person, however, you cannot omit it. | ||
Examples 1. あれ は だれの かさ ですか. ...さとう さん の です. Whose umbrella is that? ...It's Mr. Sato. 2. その えんぴつ は あなたの ですか. ...いいえ, わたしの じゃ ありません. I that pencil yours? ...No, it’s not mine. 3. ミラ-さん は IBM の しゃいん です。 はい, IMC の しゃいん です. Is Mr. Miller is an employee of IMC? ...Yes he is. |
Sentence Pattern : そう ですか | ||
そう ですか | it is used when the speaker receives new information and shows that he or she understand it. | |
Examples 1. この かさ は あなた の です か? ...いいえ、 ちがいます ...ミラ-さん の です。 ...そう ですか |
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